Silent blog

5 years ago

We went back to Holland to power the biggest Silent Disco the World has ever seen.

5 years ago

It was Pride Month and we ended the celebrations in Brighton - 450 feet in the air.

5 years ago

Summer 2019 continued as we hit two huge festivals on the same weekend. One in the North and one in the South.

5 years ago

We're moving into new and uncharted territory this summer. We can now add Horse Racing to our extensive CV...

5 years ago

We headed to the forest for 2000 Trees last week and put on more Silent Discos than you can shake a knobbly stick at.

5 years ago

We're a month into the Summer of #SilentSelfie, we're being inundated with your selfies and we're absolutely loving them.

5 years ago

The scorching sun set and the night came alive when the Silent Disco Team provided the entertainment for 5 nights in 2 venues. One, a huge tent, the other a post apocalyptic cinema.

5 years ago

Not a Trivial Pursuit subject choice, but over the last couple of weeks our headphones have been used in some really interesting and different ways.

5 years ago

We provide Silent Discos at the world's biggest events and this year at the Isle of Wight Festival we went one step further - Silent Karaoke Vs Silent Disco.

5 years ago

We're recruiting a small army...